Well, I guess I have got behind with all the things that I needed to do over Christmas and the blog was pushed to the bottom of my list. I know that as a Diabetic things tend to lapse at this time of year and cheating becomes a byword. Well cheating may be OK just a little as long as we all remember that we need to remain focused on our problem. Getting focused again is very important and I cannot stress its importance enough. Back to a little discipline, so here we go.
Foods and Their Glycemic Index (GI)
Try to choose foods with a GI of 55 or less. These include whole grain foods, fruits and
vegetables. Hint: Try to eat as “close to the farm” as possible; the less processed is best!
A. Low GI Foods (55 or less) Choose Most Often
B. Medium GI Foods (56-69) Choose Occasionally
C. High GI Foods (70+) Choose Less Often
Whole grain breads
Oatmeal (slow cook oats)
All-Bran cereal
Converted or Parboiled rice
Brown rice
Pumpernickel bread
Al dente (firm) pasta
All beans, peas and lentils
Apple, orange, tomato juice
Sweet potato
Carrots, broccoli, cauliflower
Apples, peaches, pears
Grapefruits, oranges
Sweet corn
Dark leafy vegetables
Marmalade, jams – small amount
Skim or 1% milk
Low fat, yogurt
Soy beverage
Basmati rice
Shredded wheat cereal
Pita bread
Rye bread
High fiber crackers
Baked snack foods (not fried)
White bread
Whole wheat pretzels
Fruit cocktails
New potatoes
Cranberry juice
Ice cream – vanilla or low sugar
Instant mashed potatoes
Baked white potatoes, red potatoes
Instant rice
Corn Flakes
Rice Crispies
Refined cereals
Soda crackers, rice crackers
French fries
Digestive cookies, graham crackers
Dried dates, figs
Fruit bars
Sports drinks
Sweetened soft drinks
High protein foods (ie. meat, poultry, fish, eggs, peanut butter, nuts) have a low GI; choose
low fat/lean protein foods.
It is our recommendation that you eat more whole grain products, vegetables and fruit, and
less fat, salt, alcohol, and caffeine. The Guidelines encourage the choice of lower fat dairy
foods, leaner meat, and foods prepared with little or no added fat.
Sugar and Refined Foods – 1 teaspoon = 5g sugar
• The more sugar you eat, the higher your blood sugar will be! Always read food labels
• Limit sugars within your diet! These include sweets, candy, sugar, jam, honey, syrup,
regular soft drinks and sweetened fruit drinks.
• Avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar such as cakes, pies, cookies and many prepackaged
• Avoid adding sugar during cooking.
• Avoid refined (“white”) foods such as white sugar, white flour, white bread, pastries etc.
These have a high glycemic index and will cause your blood sugar levels to spike.
The sugar content on the food label should be less than 10 grams per serving. When
reading “carbohydrates” on the food label, remember that whole grains are best. Always
see the fibre content, which should be subtracted from the total “carbs” as fibre is not
General Healthier Eating Guidelines (To Avoid Complications With Diabetes)
• Your breakfast plate should be 1/3 fruit, 1/3 starchy fibre foods (multigrain bread and
cereal products) and 1/3 protein (nuts, eggs, tofu, beans, lentils, low-fat dairy products).
Your lunch and dinner plates should be 1/2 vegetables, 1/4 starchy fibre foods and 1/4
• Choose whole grains, such as whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread and brown rice to
increase fibre intake. Most of these are low in fat.
•Choose only lean meat and poultry. Remove skin and trim fat before cooking. Your meat
portion should be about the size of a deck of cards (50-100g or 2-4oz).
•See the milk fat (MF) of all dairy products. Use skim or 1% milk products and low-fat
cheese (less than 20% MF), or choose fortified soy products.
•Reduce your total fat intake (less than 25%-35% of your daily calories). To achieve this,
always try to choose low fat foods and avoid fried foods. Read labels!
•Limit saturated and trans fats to less than 10% of your daily calories. Try to always
choose unsaturated fats such as olive and canola oils and non-hydrogenated margarine
(in moderation). Saturated and trans fats raise blood cholesterol levels, while unsaturated
fats lower blood cholesterol. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and are usually
of animal origin. They are found in meats, whole milk, dairy products, butter and hard
margarines. Trans fats are found in baked and pre-packaged foods. Hydrogenation is a
process that changes liquid vegetable oil into a solid fat such as hard margarine. The
hydrogenation process changes some of the good fats into cholesterol-raising saturated
and trans fats. (People with diabetes are at a greater risk of developing or have already
high levels of fats in their heart and blood vessels.)
•Omega-3 fatty acids are found in cold water fish such as herring, mackerel, salmon, trout,
sardines and tuna, and in flaxseeds (2 tbsp per day, freshly ground). Three to four
servings of fish per week is recommended as part of a healthy, balanced diet. Omegaenriched
foods are also available in supermarkets such as omega-3 eggs and omega-3
enriched dairy products.
•Omega-3 supplements: always look for the active ingredients DHA and EPA.
Recommendations are 600-900mg/day. Always check with your doctor or registered
dietitian before taking any supplements.
Food Labels
• Read food labels carefully. Try to reduce your fat intake and your sugar intake.
• Remember that labels list ingredients in descending order by weight.
• Avoid products listing enriched wheat (white) flour, sugar, glucose, fructose or any other
form of sugar as one of the first 3 ingredients.
• Increase fibre in your diet by eating more whole grain foods, vegetables, fruits and
legumes. These foods also contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and have a lower
glycemic index. Low glycemic index foods will help to keep your blood sugar levels in the
target range. They will also make you feel fuller faster and longer and will help to lower
cholesterol levels.
Salt – Tips to reduce salt (“Sodium”) in your diet
High blood pressure may also be present with your diabetes. Limiting how much salt you
eat can help keep your blood pressure low.
• Decrease the amount of salt you add during cooking and reduce salt in recipes.
• Before adding salt at the table, taste first.
•Try seasoning your food with (salt-free) herbs, spices and garlic. Lemon juice brings out
the natural saltiness of foods.
• Avoid processed foods that are high in salt (sodium chloride) such as canned or
packaged foods and condiments such as mustard.
• Watch for “Na” (sodium) on food labels. Chips, pretzels, and other such snacks are very
high in salt.
• Avoid cured meats such as ham, bacon, bologna and salami.
• Check with your physician before using salt substitutes.
• Limit alcohol to less than 2 drinks per day (1 drink=12 oz beer=1.5 oz liquor=4oz wine)
• Drinking alcohol is not recommended if you:
-have high triglycerides (blood fats)
- have high blood pressure
- have liver problems
- are pregnant or breastfeeding.
• If you choose to drink alcohol, remember:
-to drink with your meal or snack (not on an empty stomach!)
-to drink slowly or dilute with water or diet soda
-that liqueurs, sweet wines and dessert wines have a lot of sugar
-to wear your MedicAlert (Alcohol can cause hypoglycemia/low blood glucose)
Reducing alcohol can promote weight loss and help you lower your blood pressure.
Drink no more than four (4) cups of coffee or caffeine-containing beverages per day.
Supplements – Ask your Doctor or Registered Dietitian before taking
• Heart healthy mixture = 1/3 ground flax, 1/3 oat bran and 1/3 psyllium – take 2 tbsp/day
Food Preparation
• Avoid adding sugar during cooking. Use Splenda (sucralose) instead of sugar if baking or
• Use low-fat and low sugar sauces and marinades.
• Use reduced-fat cooking methods such as barbecuing, broiling, roasting and steaming.
• Avoid frying and deep-fat frying.
• Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight by exercising daily and eating healthy
• Aim to be active for 150 minutes per week. Start with brisk walking for 10 minutes a few
times per day and increase gradually from there. Endurance exercise will help to increase
your heart and lung capacity.
• Also include flexibility exercises (gentle stretching) to keep your muscles and joints
relaxed. Aim for at least 4 stretching sessions per week.
• You can also do strength exercises 2-4 times per week to strengthen muscles and help
your bones.
• Remember to start slowly and consult your physician before engaging in a new exercise
• Also, remember to measure your blood sugar levels before and after exercise.
• Bring some food (a fruit or high fibre breakfast bar) or glucose tablets with you while
exercising in case your blood sugar drops too low. Stop if you feel tired or pain. Keeping
active can lower your blood sugar, lower your blood pressure, help you lose weight, help
you feel better, reduce the amount of medication you need, relieve tension or stress,
improve your heart and lung function and improve your muscle tone! Look at all those
To help reduce your weight:
• Eat smaller portions of foods and remember that your lunch and dinner plate should be
1/4 protein, 1/4 starch (including potatoes) and 1/2 vegetables.
• Eat 3 balanced meals per day (no more than 6 hours apart), and don’t skip meals; snack
with fruit between meals.
• Choose foods lower in FAT and SUGAR; choose LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX foods
whenever possible; avoid “white” foods (white flour and white sugar).
• Aim for a maximum weight loss goal of 1-2 lb (0.5-1 kg) per week.
Choose Low Glycemic Index Foods Whenever Possible!
Whole Grain Products
• Whole and multi grain breads, whole wheat pasta, brown rice
• Low-fat and multigrain crackers
• Low-sugar, whole-grain cereals
• Oatmeal, bran, bulgur, buckwheat
• Low-fat, whole grain baked goods with added bran or oat bran
Vegetables and Fruits – with lots of colour!
• Dark green leafy vegetables
• Eat an abundance fresh/frozen vegetables
• Unsweetened, fresh, frozen or canned fruits
• White breads, croissants, sweet rolls, high-fat white crackers, waffles
• Short-grain and minute rice – white rice
• Sweetened refined cereals
• Commercial muffins, cakes, doughnuts, Danish pastries, high-fat cookies
• Avoid “white” foods (white flour, white sugar)
• Parsnip, pumpkin, white potatoes (high GI)
• Dried fruits and fruits in heavy syrup
• Sweetened fruit juices
Milk/Dairy Products
• Dairy products with less than 1% fat • Milk products higher than 1% fat
• Cheese should be 10-20% MF • Cheese higher than 21% MF and creams
Meat and Alternatives
• Fish (canned in water, fresh, frozen), seafood
• Skinless chicken and turkey
• Lean meats with fat trimmed, wild game
• Lean cold cuts (but watch the salt content)
• Legumes, tofu
• Eggs (up to eight per week)
• Fish with butter or breading
• Fried chicken, poultry with skin, wings
• Fatty marbled meats, ribs, regular ground meats, organ meats
• High fat processed and canned meats: bacon, sausages, patés, bologna, salami, wieners
Other Foods and Fats
• Olive, canola, soybean, sesame, sunflower oils (3 tsp or less per day)
• Non-hydrogenated soft margarines
• Low-calorie dressings and mayonnaise
• Light peanut butter, nuts (watch salt and calories)
• Unsalted seeds: flax, pumpkin, sunflower
• De-fatted gravy and low-sugar condiments
• Cocoa powder or a small piece of dark chocolate
• Hydrogenated oils, coconut and palm oils
• Shortening, butter, lard, hard margarines
• Peanut butter with palm or hydrogenated fat
• No more than 1/4 cup nuts per day (high calories)
• Heavy gravy, cream sauces, high-sugar condiments
• Chocolate and carob
Sweets (in very small amounts)
• Sugar substitutes and artificial sweeteners, low sugar
• Sugar and regular jams, jellies, syrups, candies, jams/jellies/syrups gelatins, gum, honey
• Sugar-free candies, gelatins, gum
• Regular cakes, pies, cookies
• Low-sugar and high fiber baked goods
• No “white” foods (white flour, white sugar)
• Low-fat and low-sugar frozen dessert
• Regular frozen desserts
Snack Foods
• Popcorn without salt, butter, or hydrogenated oils • Regular popcorn, chips, pretzels,
cheesies, corn chips
• Choose low fat, low sugar snack foods
It is our recommendation that, when choosing carbohydrate-rich foods (or “carbs”), try to
choose foods with a Low GI.
(Examples of carbohydrate-rich foods are starchy foods such as cereals, breads, pasta,
rice, legumes, fruits, sweet vegetables and dairy products. Always choose whole grains
and lots of fibre.)
Blood Sugar Target Ranges
Fasting: First thing in the morning and before each meal as long as no food has been
taken for 3 hours. Range = 4.0-7.0 2 Hour PC: 2 hours after a meal. These will be higher:
Range = close to 10.0
Portions to Live By !
Breakfast Plate Lunch and Dinner Plates
• Your breakfast plate should be 1/3 fruit, • Your lunch and dinner plates should be ½ 1/3
starchy fibre foods and 1/3 protein. vegetables, 1/4 starchy fibre foods and 1/4 protein.
Other Diet Sheets Available:
• Diet for Congestive Heart Failure
• Diet for High Cholesterol
• Diet for Hypertension
• Potassium Replacement Diet
• Weight Management
I hope this gives you all a little to think about and remember these ideas are not just for Diabetics but for the good of general health also.
I would like to take this opportuity of wishing you a very Happy New Year.
To subscribe to Recipe Newsletter which is totally FREE then please go to Garth.RecipeNewsletter@gmail.com
Garth Tuxford
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Good Healthy Food
With Christmas nearly upon us I am very busy preparing my next Recipe Newsletter and the blog will be short for a while. If you would like to Subscribe to the Newsletter then please go to Garth.RecipeNewsletter@gmail.com
Just a good recipe to keep your mouthwatering ENJOY
Just a good recipe to keep your mouthwatering ENJOY
Indian Potato Cakes (Vegan)
Yield: 1 servings
3 large potatoes
1 large onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
2 slices bread, crusts removed, Crumbled
2 tsp mild curry powder
1 pinch salt
1 can non-stick spray
Peel potatoes, cut into cubes and boil in water until tender. Mash (may want to add a little water to make mashing them easier).
Water/broth saute onions and garlic. Add to mashed potatoes. Add bread crumbs, curry powder and salt. Cool enough to handle.
Form 10 to 12 four inch diameter patties and brown them in a non-stick pan sprayed with non-stick spray.
You can also add cooked carrots, peas, and any other soft cooked vegetables to the potato mixture before browning them. Serve as is or with some Indian condiments like mango chutney or coriander chutney. These patties are pretty easy to make and really good.
More soon and have a really great day.
Garth Tuxford
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
The Future of Diabetes Treatment
Now here is an interesting item, to some it may be too radical but nonetheless it is quite fascinating.
From an artificial pancreas to stem cell therapy, better diabetes treatments and a possible cure are in the research and development pipeline.
Diabetes treatment varies depending on the type and severity of disease, but there is no cure short of a pancreas transplant, which can lead to a variety of serious complications and risks. However, there's a great deal of research under way for a better diabetes treatment or cure.
Future Diabetes Treatment: Artificial Pancreas
A California-based medical device company, Medtronic, has combined a glucose monitoring system with an insulin delivery pump to create an automatic insulin delivery system for diabetes treatment, one that works like your natural pancreas.
The device, which would be worn externally, monitors your blood glucose level and stops insulin delivery if your blood glucose level becomes too low. One of the most important features is that it protects you from developing type 1 diabetes when they used a gene that prompted liver cells to produce insulin as part of a gene therapy diabetes treatment. The mice responded to the treatment within one week, with blood glucose levels dropping to normal and staying that way for the rest of their lives.
While the liver cells worked, the scientists discovered that they could only make insulin for about six weeks. However, they also found out that other cells that came from stem cells emerged during the process. These cells were able to make much more insulin. The researchers now believe they can cause normal adult stem cells to become pancreatic cells that would make insulin in the normal way. A great deal of work is needed before this stem cell therapy is ready for humans, but the breakthroughs are encouraging.
For the next blog I will be moving away from Diabetes but the topic will always be on healthy food.
It is essential to get a good start to the day and there is nothing better than an egg to get you going. We used to have an advert in England which said 'Go to Work on an Egg'
These diabetic egg recipes are perfect for a family breakfast treat and great for a brunch party.
Mini Breakfast Quiches - Diabetic Egg Recipes
Servings: 12
Recipe Ingredients:
4 oz diced green chilies
2 oz diced pimentos, drained
3 cups precooked white rice
2 egg substitute equivalents
1/3 cup skim milk
1/2 tsp cumin
1 dash salt and pepper
1 cup low-fat cheddar cheese Recipe Instructions:
1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. In a large mixing bowl, combine the chilies, pimentos, rice, eggs, milk, cumin, salt, pepper and 1/2 cup of the cheese.
2. Spoon mixture evenly into muffin cups and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until set.
Carefully remove the quiches from the pan, arrange on a platter and serve.
Exchanges: Starch/Bread Exchange -- 1
Calories -- 88 Calories from Fat -- 16 Total Fat -- 2g Saturated Fat -- 1g Cholesterol -- 7mg Sodium -- 98mg Carbohydrate -- 13g Dietary Fiber -- 0g Sugars -- 1g Protein -- 5g
Look out for my next blog which will be a slightly different theme and don't forget if you wish to receive my Recipe Newsletter then you can subscribe by going to garthtuxford@gmail.com
Have a really great day and don't forget to look after yourselves.
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
How can diabetes hurt my skin
How can diabetes hurt my skin?
It isn't just food intake that affects diabetes but also what we drink, and water plays a big part in keeping us healthy. The article below tells us about the intake of water to keep our skin healthy but it is also an essential part of a balanced diet. Gaining weight can be one of the problems we encounter because as we learned earlier one of the symptoms can be that we always feel hungry. Have you ever noticed with most diets that we see advertised they recommend drinking x amount of water to take the wonderful potion that is being offered. On balance it is the water that is usually the cure and not the 'wonder drug'. Taking a good sized glass of water before each meal will help to stifle the hunger pangs and make you eat less. I think I should be selling water as the latest and greatest in the battle of the bulge. I could make a fortune from 'liquid assets'.
Anyway I hope you find the following little hint useful in your tussle with diabetes.
Diabetes can hurt your skin in two ways:- If your blood glucose is high, your body loses fluid. With less fluid in your body, your skin can get dry. Dry skin can be itchy, causing you to scratch and make it sore. Also, dry skin can crack. Cracks allow germs to enter and cause infection. If your blood glucose is high, it feeds germs and makes infections worse. You may get dry skin on your legs, feet, elbows, and other places on your body.
Drinking fluids helps keep your skin moist and healthy. - Nerve damage can decrease the amount you sweat. Sweating helps keep your skin soft and moist. Decreased sweating in your feet and legs can cause dry skin.
What can I do to take care of my skin?
- After you wash with a mild soap, make sure you rinse and dry yourself well. Check places where water can hide, such as under the arms, under the breasts, between the legs, and between the toes.
Keep your skin moist by washing with a mild soap and using lotion or cream after you wash - Keep your skin moist by using a lotion or cream after you wash. Ask your doctor to suggest one.
- Drink lots of fluids, such as water, to keep your skin moist and healthy.
- Wear all-cotton underwear. Cotton allows air to move around your body better.
- Check your skin after you wash. Make sure you have no dry, red, or sore spots that might lead to an infection.
- Tell your doctor about any skin problems.
My Daughter who is also a diabetic was a little affronted at one of my recent recipes because she found an ingredient that she says is only for the American Market and we live in the UK. I am hoping that my blog is useful and interesting on both sides of the pond, Anyway to allay her fears, my research tells me that this ingredient can be found in most of our larger supermarkets in the UK. The offending item is called 'Liquid Smoke' and can be found in Tesco's and Sainsbury's.
Well now that we have sorted out that minor cultural difference, on with the show, as they say. I am hoping that the next recipe will not be so contentious. Whatever one may say about it, one thing is certain, it is truly delicious and everyone should try it an not just diabetics.
Fusilli Salad with Grilled Sea Food and Vegetables
1/2 | pound (240 g) large shrimp, peeled and deveined |
1/2 | pound (240 g) sea scallops |
1 | pound (480 g) broccoli florets |
8 | ounces (240 g) fusilli or other cork screw pasta |
2 | pounds (960 g) vine-ripened tomatoes, peeled and seeded, diced |
1/4 | cup (60 ml) white wine vinegar |
1/2 | teaspoon (2.5 ml) grated lemon rind |
1 | clove garlic, minced |
1/2 | teaspoon (2.5 ml) sugar |
3 | tablespoons flat leaf parsley, chopped |
1 | tablespoon fresh thyme leave |
1/4 | teaspoon (1.25 ml) kosher salt, optional |
fresh pepper to taste |
2 | tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil |
lettuce cups |
extra thyme or parsley for garnish |
- Coat a ridged skillet with cooking spray. Grill the seafood over high heat until done, about 2 minutes for shrimp and 3 minutes for scallops, depending on size. You may also grill over coals. Refrigerate until ready to assemble.
- Blanch the broccoli in lightly salted boiling water until crisp cooked. Drain under cold water to stop cooking. Refrigerate. In the same water, cook the pasta according to package directions until cooked al dente. Drain and place in serving bowl.
- Add the tomatoes, vinegar, lemon zest, garlic, sugar, parsley, thyme, salt (if using) and pepper, and reserved broccoli. Toss to coat.
- Just before serving add the olive oil and seafood. Gently toss. To serve, place lettuce cups on plate and divide the salad between them. Garnish with extra herbs.
| ||||||||||||
This brings me to the end of another blog which I hope has been both fun and helpful, so until next time, BE HAPPY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, STAY WELL. Garth If you would like to receive my periodical publication call Recipe Newsletter then send an email to garthtuxford@gmail.com with the words Recipe Newsletter in the Subject line. the Newsletter is totall FREE and contains many articles of interest, not only diabetic but a full range of good eating. |
Monday, 25 October 2010
Symptons of Diabetes
Today's blog is about recognising Diabetic symptoms and the effect it can have on your body and functions. As usual there is a Recipe that is both nutritious and tasty. These days there is no need for Diabetics to have to endure boring food and diets. They can be be great fun to try and they are also good for other members of the family. In fact if more people stuck to diabetic recipes, there might even be less cases. Well that is food for thought or maybe the body.
Diabetes is a disease of metabolic disorder. The body of the diabetics becomes unable to process sugar in blood. This inability of body leads to high-level of blood sugar. High levels of blood glucose further leads to many short and long-term health related problems. Diabetics sometimes can spend many years without knowing of their health condition as there are not any obvious symptoms. Some classic diabetic symptoms are covered in the following passages.
Frequent Urination or Polyuria: If the level of blood sugar is high then sugar has to be excreted from the bloodstream. This extraction makes a saturated solution that has to be diluted by extracting some water from the surrounding tissues. This extraction of extra water causes excessive urination.
Excessive Thirst or Polydipsia: This diabetic symptom is related to polyuria, the diabetic's body needs to replace the water he is flushing away. High-level of blood sugar gives a signal to brain that more fluid is required.
Excessive Hunger or Polyphagia: The energy to the body is provided by the sugar in the bloodstream. If the body is unable to properly use the sugar in the bloodstream, the body has a lack of energy. The enery deficient cells then give a signal to brain that the body requires more food and the person feels hungry.
Other Signs Of Diabetes
Fatigue and Tiredness: As the body is not using the blood sugar properly to convert it into energy the person feels that he is fatigued or tired.
Blurred Vision: Constant level of high blood sugar leads to some osmotic changes in the eye's lens which leads to blurriness in vision.
Numbness in Hands and Feet: Numbness in feet and hands is the result of poor circulation of blood. Sometimes it is because of nerve breakage because of consistent level of high blood glucose over a period of time. Diabetic feels like someone is pricking needles and pins in the tips of feet and hands.
Some of these diabetic signs are obvious others are less obvious. Normally people learn to live with these diabetic symptoms till the time come when serious health complications arises.
Diabetes is a disease of metabolic disorder. The body of the diabetics becomes unable to process sugar in blood. This inability of body leads to high-level of blood sugar. High levels of blood glucose further leads to many short and long-term health related problems. Diabetics sometimes can spend many years without knowing of their health condition as there are not any obvious symptoms. Some classic diabetic symptoms are covered in the following passages.
Frequent Urination or Polyuria: If the level of blood sugar is high then sugar has to be excreted from the bloodstream. This extraction makes a saturated solution that has to be diluted by extracting some water from the surrounding tissues. This extraction of extra water causes excessive urination.
Excessive Thirst or Polydipsia: This diabetic symptom is related to polyuria, the diabetic's body needs to replace the water he is flushing away. High-level of blood sugar gives a signal to brain that more fluid is required.
Excessive Hunger or Polyphagia: The energy to the body is provided by the sugar in the bloodstream. If the body is unable to properly use the sugar in the bloodstream, the body has a lack of energy. The enery deficient cells then give a signal to brain that the body requires more food and the person feels hungry.
Other Signs Of Diabetes
Fatigue and Tiredness: As the body is not using the blood sugar properly to convert it into energy the person feels that he is fatigued or tired.
Blurred Vision: Constant level of high blood sugar leads to some osmotic changes in the eye's lens which leads to blurriness in vision.
Numbness in Hands and Feet: Numbness in feet and hands is the result of poor circulation of blood. Sometimes it is because of nerve breakage because of consistent level of high blood glucose over a period of time. Diabetic feels like someone is pricking needles and pins in the tips of feet and hands.
Some of these diabetic signs are obvious others are less obvious. Normally people learn to live with these diabetic symptoms till the time come when serious health complications arises.
So it is good to keep your symptoms alive and listen to them. If ever you feel any of the above symptoms, followings are the steps you must take immediately
Visit a doctor.
Gather as much information as you can.
If you would like to receive my periodical publication call Recipe Newsletter then send an email to garthtuxford@gmail.com with the words Recipe Newsletter in the Subject line. the Newsletter is totall FREE and contains many articles of interest, not only diabetic but a full range of good eating.
Make sure you take care of yourselves.
Garth Tuxford
Visit a doctor.
Gather as much information as you can.
1 | 3 pound (1.44 kg) boneless beef chuck roast, tied and trimmed of all fat |
freshly ground pepper to taste |
olive oil cooking spray |
3 | large carrots, peeled and cut into sticks about 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide and 2 inches (5 cm) long |
3 | large ribs celery, cut into pieces 2 inches (5 cm) long |
1 | large yellow onion, peeled and cut into 12 equal pieces |
3 | large cloves garlic, thinly sliced |
1 | cup (240 ml) dry red wine or fat-free, no-salt-added canned beef broth |
1/3 | cup (74 g) low-sodium tomato paste |
1 1/2 | tablespoons (23 g) Dijon mustard |
1/2 | teaspoon (2.5 ml) crushed dried thyme |
2 | large bay leaves |
salt (optional) |
1 1/2 | tablespoons (23 g) cornstarch, mixed with 2 tablespoons (30 ml) water |
- Rinse roast and pat dry with paper towels. Sprinkle both sides with pepper.
- Lightly coat a heavy skillet with cooking spray and place over medium-high heat. Add roast and sear until well browned on all sides, about 8 minutes total cooking time.
- In a 4-quart (4 l) or larger crockery slow-cooker, combine carrots, celery, onion, and garlic. Place browned roast on top of the vegetables.
- In a large mixing cup, combine wine, tomato paste, Dijon mustard, thyme, and bay leaves. Pour over roast and vegetables. Cover and cook until roast is very tender when pierced with a fork, about 8 to 9 hours on LOW or 4 to 5 hours on HIGH.
- When beef is done, transfer the roast to a heated serving platter.
- If cooking on LOW, turn the slow-cooker on HIGH. Skim any fat from the surface of the sauce. Add salt (if using). Pour the blended cornstarch mixture into the cooker and cook, stirring often, until sauce is bubbling, 10 to 15 minutes.
- Using a slotted spoon, remove vegetables from sauce and arrange around the roast. Transfer sauce to a gravy boat to pass alongside.
- To serve, carve the beef against the grain into thin slices. Serve at once.
Per serving (4 ounces {120 g} beef plus 1/6 of the vegetables and 3 tablespoons {45 ml} of the sauce): | 315 calories (26% calories from fat), 41 g protein, 10 g total fat (3.3 g saturated fat), 15 g carbohydrates, 3 g dietary fiber, 119 mg cholesterol, 220 mg sodium | ||
Diabetic exchanges: | 4 lean protein, 1 carbohydrate (vegetable) |
If you would like to receive my periodical publication call Recipe Newsletter then send an email to garthtuxford@gmail.com with the words Recipe Newsletter in the Subject line. the Newsletter is totall FREE and contains many articles of interest, not only diabetic but a full range of good eating.
Make sure you take care of yourselves.
Garth Tuxford
Thursday, 21 October 2010
What is Diabetes
Living with Diabetes: The Basics
The only way we can combat Diabetes is to understand it and adjust the way we do things just a little but there is no reason for it to control us. The article I have written below explains a little about 'Living With Diabetes'.
Diabetes is a disease that occurs when a person’s body doesn’t make enough of the hormone insulin or can’t use insulin properly. There are 2 types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs when your body’s pancreas doesn’t produce any insulin. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the pancreas either doesn’t produce enough insulin or your body’s cells ignore the insulin. Between 90% and 95% of people who are diagnosed with diabetes have type 2 diabetes.
When you digest food, your body changes most of the food you eat into glucose (a form of sugar). Insulin allows this glucose to enter all the cells of your body and be used as energy. When you have diabetes, your body doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use it properly, so the glucose builds up in your blood instead of moving into the cells. Too much glucose in the blood can lead to serious health problems.
When you digest food, your body changes most of the food you eat into glucose (a form of sugar). Insulin allows this glucose to enter all the cells of your body and be used as energy. When you have diabetes, your body doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t use it properly, so the glucose builds up in your blood instead of moving into the cells. Too much glucose in the blood can lead to serious health problems.
Because a majority of sufferers fall into the Type 2 category, this article leans in that direction.
LIVE LIFE TO THE FULL and still enjoy good food and great eating.
Grilled chicken is juicier and tastes better when you brine it first, and the sweet and smoky homemade barbecue sauce is even "sweeter" without the extra calories from sugar.
Barbecued Chicken
- Barbecue Sauce:
- 3 cups reduced-sugar ketchup
- 1/4 cup SPLENDA® Brown Sugar Blend
- 1/3 cup cider vinegar
- 3 tablespoons prepared yellow mustard
- 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
- 2 tablespoons molasses
- 1 tablespoon paprika
- 11/2 teaspoons salt
- 11/2 teaspoons garlic powder
- 3/4 teaspoon onion powder
- 3/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 2 teaspoons liquid smoke
- Chicken:
- 1/4 cup SPLENDA® Sugar Blend
- 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
- 1 cup hot tap water
- 3 cups cold water
- 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts
- 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken thighs
- 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
- For Barbecue Sauce: Combine all ingredients for barbecue sauce in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer 20 minutes, or until slightly thickened. (Top with a splatter guard during cooking.)
- Use immediately or cool, cover, and refrigerate for up to 1 month.
- For Chicken: Combine SPLENDA® Sugar Blend, salt, and hot water in 1-gallon zipper-lock bag and shake to dissolve SPLENDA® and salt. Add cold water and chicken. Press air out of bag, seal, and refrigerate 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
- Remove chicken from brine and discard brine. Refrigerate chicken until half an hour before you want to grill it (up to 1 day). Pat chicken dry with paper towels and sprinkle all over with pepper. Let rest at room temperature for 20 minutes.
- Heat grill to medium-high. Brush grill grate and coat with oil.
- Put chicken on grill, cover, and cook 5 to 7 minutes on one side. Flip chicken and brush with barbecue sauce. Cook another 5 to 7 minutes, or until chicken is no longer pink and juices run clear (about 170°F / 80°C) on an instant-read thermometer).
- Coat chicken with 1 1/2 cups Sweet and Smoky Barbecue Sauce.
- Nutritional Information Per Serving (1/8 of recipe): Calories: 270; Calories from Fat: 60; Total Fat: 7g;Saturated Fat: 1.5g; Cholesterol: 70mg; Sodium: 1770mg; Total Carbs: 25g; Dietary Fiber: 1g; Sugars: 68g; Protein: 22g
- If you would like to receive my periodical publication call Recipe Newsletter then send an email to garthtuxford@gmail.com with the words Recipe Newsletter in the Subject line. the Newsletter is totall FREE and contains many articles of interest, not only diabetic but a full range of good eating.
- Also includes:
Cooking Tips, Health Tips (particularly diabetic), things about herbs, tea, wine and reviews of restaurants, markets and hotels from around the world with many photographs and pictures. There is also an opportunity for you to place small ads in the publication if you would like to in my Classifieds section.
Look out for more in my blog in the days to follow.
Look after yourselves,
Monday, 18 October 2010
Diabetic and Healthy Food
I found out that I was suffering from Type 2 Diabetes 6 years ago after a heart bypass and now want to share some mouth-watering recipes and ideas with you. I have found that cooking has become much more fun and I try new ideas all the time. I also travel quite a lot although now retired so this will also give me the opportunity to share food of different cultures and also show you some of the pictures that I have from around the world.
This is my first ever blog and so I am jumping in with both feet and will start off with a simple recipe which is just to see if I get any interest in my new found activity. I will in future blogs include some hints, tips and ideas that I have about food, diets etc.
1 sm. zucchini, shredded
1 sm. yellow squash, shredded
2 carrots, shredded
1 sm. onion, sliced thin
2 tbsp. water
2 tsp. margarine
Combine the zucchini, yellow squash, carrots, onion, and water in a
skillet. Cover and cook over medium heat for 4-5 minutes or until
vegetables are tender. Add margarine. Saute, uncovered, until all
moisture has evaporated. Serve immediately. Makes 2 servings.
Exchanges: 2 vegetable and 1 fat; calories: 94; carbohydrates: 14
gm; protein: 3 gm; fat: 4 gm; sodium: 83 mg.
Watch this space and come back for more
This is my first ever blog and so I am jumping in with both feet and will start off with a simple recipe which is just to see if I get any interest in my new found activity. I will in future blogs include some hints, tips and ideas that I have about food, diets etc.
1 sm. zucchini, shredded
1 sm. yellow squash, shredded
2 carrots, shredded
1 sm. onion, sliced thin
2 tbsp. water
2 tsp. margarine
Combine the zucchini, yellow squash, carrots, onion, and water in a
skillet. Cover and cook over medium heat for 4-5 minutes or until
vegetables are tender. Add margarine. Saute, uncovered, until all
moisture has evaporated. Serve immediately. Makes 2 servings.
Exchanges: 2 vegetable and 1 fat; calories: 94; carbohydrates: 14
gm; protein: 3 gm; fat: 4 gm; sodium: 83 mg.
Watch this space and come back for more
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